Comparison Is the Thief of Joy (Especially in the Trading World): Be Your Own Best Trader

Every trader I’ve witnessed throughout my trading career starts his/her journey to make money and become successful in the volatile Forex market. However, we need to understand the apparent [...]

Staying Focused and Disciplined: How to Avoid Trading on Tilt and Stick to Your Plan

As a trader, I believe you have the prospect of engaging with a vigorous and exhilarating market that can fetch immense rewards. While it can be problematic sometimes, you can learn to navigate [...]

An In-Depth Look at Various Exit Strategies: Making the Best Decision for Your Trades

Making the right decision on when and how to exit a trade can be one of the most perplexing aspects of investing in the Forex market. You know what? Exiting a trade and also at the right time is [...]

4 Ways to Boost Your Hit Rate and Profits by Reducing Missed Opportunities

Everybody acknowledges that a trader’s journey brings a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows. Obviously, there would be the thrill of identifying a potential profit opportunity and the [...]

Trading Lessons from Captain Ahab: Chasing Wrangling Risky Whales for Relishing Reward

Who knows what grand adventures lie ahead for those of us who set sail on the trading voyage for the first time? Before us stretches a vast, unpredictable sea full of volatility, unforeseen [...]

Facing Constant Failure in Forex: 4 Loss Stages to Acknowledge and Bounce Back

I can still remember that day vividly, sitting in front of my computer screen, staring at the falling numbers, unable to think clearly or grasp what was happening. The little red arrow indicating [...]

Forget the Fantasies and Move Beyond Hype: Debunking 5 Myths About Forex Trading

The tales of faraway traders living lives of adventure as money seemingly fall from the sky have captured my imagination for years. Visions of financial freedom, exotic locales, and a life of [...]

What Drives you More: Your Passion for Trading or your Addiction? Tips on Fostering a Healthy Trading Passion

I was wondering how many hours a day you need to devote to trading. Is it hard for you to tear yourself apart from the heuristic technical indicators? Have those closest to you ever stated that [...]

Trading JOMO—what is it? Why Replacing FOMO with JOMO is your Rewarding Antidote?

In the last post, we explored the most renowned concept of trading FOMO (fear of missing out), including what it’s like to encounter it, the thoughts that lie behind that sensation of [...]

Being the Consistent Trader: Making Money in Trading Even When Your Strategy Fails

If you’re a trader, how often have you had a wonderful morning only to find that your winnings evaporate by the end of the afternoon? Now, would you rather spend all day monitoring the [...]